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3 년 전
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3 년 전
  1. <template>
  2. <view class="main">
  3. <view class="text1">第一步:关注数智工牌公众号</view>
  4. <view style="width: 96%;margin: 0 auto;">
  5. <view class="text2" style="margin-top: 30rpx;">1.长按识别二维码或保存至相册进行关注</view>
  6. <view style="text-align: center;" >
  7. <image @click="baocun()" style="width: 300rpx;height: 300rpx;" src="../../static/images/supimg.png" mode=""></image>
  8. </view>
  9. <view style="margin-top: 30rpx;" class="text2">2.微信搜索公众号【数智工牌】进行关注</view>
  10. </view>
  11. <view style="margin-top: 30rpx;" class="text1">第二步:点击【用户绑定】,完成绑定即可</view>
  12. <view style="width: 100%;margin-top: 30rpx;">
  13. <image style="width: 100%;height: 362rpx;" src="../../static/images/supsrc.png" mode=""></image>
  14. </view>
  15. <view style="font-size: 30rpx;color: red;margin-top: 30rpx;">
  16. 注意:微信绑定手机号与智控管家登录的手机号不一致时无法接受消息。
  17. </view>
  18. </view>
  19. </template>
  20. <script>
  21. var app = getApp();
  22. var util = require("../../utils/util.js");
  23. var config = require("../../config");
  24. export default {
  25. data() {
  26. return {
  27. };
  28. },
  29. onShow: function() {
  30. var userInfos = uni.getStorageSync('weapp_session_userInfo_data');
  31. },
  32. methods: {
  33. baocun () {
  34. const _this = this;
  35. wx.getImageInfo({
  36. src: '/static/images/supimg.png',
  37. success: function (res) {
  38. wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({
  39. filePath: res.path,
  40. success (result) {
  41. _this.setData({ show: false });
  42. wx.showToast({
  43. title: '保存成功',
  44. icon: 'success',
  45. duration: 2000
  46. })
  47. },
  48. fail (err) {
  49. if (err.errMsg === "saveImageToPhotosAlbum:fail auth deny") {
  50. wx.openSetting({
  51. success (settingdata) {
  52. if (settingdata.authSetting['scope.writePhotosAlbum']) {
  53. _this.savePhoto()
  54. } else {
  55. wx.showToast({
  56. title: '获取权限失败,无法保存图片',
  57. icon: 'success',
  58. duration: 2000
  59. })
  60. }
  61. }
  62. })
  63. }
  64. }
  65. })
  66. }
  67. })
  68. }
  69. }
  70. };
  71. </script>
  72. <style lang="scss" scoped>
  73. .main {
  74. padding:30rpx;
  75. background: #F8F8F8;
  76. display: flex;
  77. flex-direction: column;
  78. min-height: 100vh;
  79. padding-bottom: 40rpx;
  80. background: #FFFFFF;
  81. .text1{
  82. color: #303030;
  83. font-size: 30rpx;
  84. }
  85. .text2{
  86. font-size: 30rpx;
  87. color: #666666;
  88. }
  89. }
  90. </style>