	<view class="box">
		<view class="headbox">
			<!-- 顶部时间 -->
			<view class="headboxhead">
				<view class="boxhead1">{{date}}</view>
				<view class="boxhead2" v-if="jiaoseshow">
					<image v-if="status==1" @click="tappick()" src="../../static/images/pike.png" mode=""></image>
					<image v-if="status==0" @click="notappick()" src="../../static/images/nopike.png" mode=""></image>
			<!-- <view class="inputbox" v-if="guanjianciishow">
				<view class="thisinput"  @click="toKeywordsearch()">
			</view> -->
			<!-- 标记顾问 -->
			<view class="headboxbott">
				<view class="headovfu">
					<u-tabs-swiper ref="tabs" font-size="30" :bold="true" swiper-width="600" :current="roleindex"
						@change="tapspagek" inactive-color="#b1b1b1" active-color="#008ef2" :list="tablist"
				<view class="headpade">
					<view class="biaoji" @tap="tagtap()">标记</view>
		<scroll-view :scroll-top="scrollTop" lower-threshold='100px' @scrolltolower="ltolower()" upper-threshold='40px'
			@scrolltoupper="rolltoupper()" :scroll-into-view="scrollId" scroll-y="true" class="zhuti text scroll-Y">
			<!-- 聊天记录-->
			<view class="dialog-block" v-for="(dialog,i) in dialogList" :key="i">
				<view :id="'dialog'+i" class="fileName">录音文件</view>
				<view class="text" :id="'dialog'+csdFileindex+'text'+item.bg"
					:class="{active: Math.floor(item.bg/1000) <= playNow && Math.floor(item.ed/1000) > playNow, isGreen: item.isShow == 0}"
					v-for="(item,index) in dialog.message" :key="index" :data-speaker="item.speaker">
					<view class="avatar">
						<view :style="[SPEAKERSTYLE(item.speaker)]">
							<text v-if="item.isShow == 0">顾</text>
							<text v-else>{{ item.speaker | toCapital }}</text>
					<view class="contentInfo">
						<view class="info">
							<text class="AudioUserName">{{ item.speaker | toCapital }}</text>
						<view class="contentMain">
							<view class="content">
								<view @longpress="changanxiaoguo(item,index,i)" v-html="item.onebest"></view>
								<view class="tankuangcss" :class="{bottoms:index == 0}" v-if="item.isshow">
									<view @click="clickcopy()"
										style="width: 60rpx;font-size: 24rpx;text-align: center;margin-left: 24rpx;">复制
									<view @click="Oftenthewrongword()"
										style="width: 80rpx;font-size: 24rpx;text-align: center;margin-left: 22rpx;">常错词
									<view v-if="jiaoseshow" @click="Addtheessence()"
										style="width: 80rpx;font-size: 24rpx;text-align: center;margin-left: 22rpx;">加精华
									<view @click="Modifyrole(index,item)"
										style="font-size: 24rpx;text-align: center;margin-left: 14rpx;">修改角色
							<image @click="clickbofang(dialog.backindex,item)" class="play"
		<view class="bottombox">
			<!-- 播放块 :src="recordPath" -->
			<zaudio :duration="duration" theme="theme4"></zaudio>
			<!-- 底部弹框 -->
			<view class="botbotmm">
				<view class="tmmchen" @click="guanjiancishifo()">
					<image src="../../static/images/audioinfo1.png" mode=""></image>
				<view class="fill"></view>
				<view class="tmmchen" @click="Receivedetailsabouttab('intention')">
					<image src="../../static/images/audioinfo3.png" mode=""></image>
				<view class="fill"></view>
				<view class="tmmchen" @click="Receivedetailsabouttab('Pinspeak')">
					<image src="../../static/images/audioinfo4.png" mode=""></image>
				<view class="fill"></view>
				<!-- audioinfo2 -->
				<view class="tmmchen" v-if="Menulistisshow==true">
					<image @click="Receivedetailsabouttab('Receivedetailsabout')" src="../../static/images/allimg.png"
					<view @click="Receivedetailsabouttab('Receivedetailsabout')">更多</view>
					<view class="allimg" v-if="Thetapeidisshow">
						<view @click="Receivetap()" style="line-height: 70rpx;margin-top: 10rpx;">接待信息</view>
						<view @click="alllogo()" style="line-height:70rpx;">{{userlistobj.validInvalidName}}</view>

				<view class="tmmchen" @click="Receivetap()" v-if="Menulistisshow==false">
					<image @click="Receivedetailsabouttab('Receivedetailsabout')"
						src="../../static/images/audioinfo2.png" mode=""></image>
					<view @click="Receivedetailsabouttab('Receivedetailsabout')">接待信息</view>


		<!-- 标记 -->
		<view class="zhezhoa" v-if="biojiisshow" @tap="unmarktap()"></view>
		<view class="bounced" v-if="biojiisshow">
			<view class="jiajinghuatit">标记为顾问</view>
				style="width: 95%;display: flex;flex-wrap: wrap;margin: 0 auto;padding-top: 30rpx;padding-bottom: 30rpx;">
				<view class="viewclace" :class="roleindexbiaoji == index ? 'bosdttom' : ''" @click="biaojixuanze(index)"
					v-for="(item,index) in tablist.slice(1,tablist.length)" :key="index">
			<view class="bounced3" style="margin-top: 20rpx;">
				<view class="bounced3-1" @tap="unmarktap()">取消</view>
				<view class="bounced3-2" @tap="$noMultipleClicks(Confirmthetag)">确认</view>

		<!-- 加入常错词 -->
		<view class="zhezhoa" v-if="isshow2" @tap="Cancelout"></view>
		<u-modal v-model="isshow2" title="添加常错词" :show-cancel-button="true" @cancel="Cancelout" @confirm="$noMultipleClicks(Confirmtheexit)">
			<view class="tian-view">
				<viwe class="tian-view-t1"></viwe>
				<viwe class="tian-view-t2">常错词:</viwe>
				<viwe class="tian-view-t3">
					<textarea :auto-height="true" type="text" v-model="thewrongword" :disabled="isNum" class="tian-input" placeholder="请输入" />
			<view class="tian-view" style="margin-bottom: 74rpx;">
				<viwe class="tian-view-t1"></viwe>
				<viwe class="tian-view-t2">正确词:</viwe>
				<viwe class="tian-view-t3">
					<input class="tian-input" v-model="reswrongword" type="text" placeholder="请输入" />
		<!-- <view class="bounced" v-if="isshow2">
			<view class="tian-view">
				<viwe class="tian-view-t1"></viwe>
				<viwe class="tian-view-t2">常错词:</viwe>
				<viwe class="tian-view-t3">
					<input type="text" v-model="thewrongword" class="tian-input" placeholder="请输入" />
			<view class="tian-view">
				<viwe class="tian-view-t1"></viwe>
				<viwe class="tian-view-t2">正确词:</viwe>
				<viwe class="tian-view-t3">
					<input class="tian-input" v-model="reswrongword" type="text" placeholder="请输入" />
			<view class="bounced3">
				<view class="bounced3-1" @tap="Cancelout">取消</view>
				<view class="bounced3-2" @tap="Confirmtheexit">确认</view>
		</view> -->

		<!-- 加精华 -->
		<view class="zhezhoa" v-if="isshow3" @tap="Cancelout2"></view>
		<view class="bounced" v-if="isshow3">
			<view class="jiajinghuatit">加精华</view>
			<view style="width: 100%;text-indent: 20rpx;font-size: 28rpx;">选择标签</view>
			<view class="jiajinghuaview">
				<view class="jighuaview2" v-for="(item,index) in biaoqianlist" :key="index"
					:class="biaoqianindex == index ? 'biaoqiantom' : ''">
					<view class="view1-text" @click="tapbiaoqianclisck(index)">{{item.name}}</view>
			<view class="bounced3">
				<view class="bounced3-1" @tap="Cancelout2">取消</view>
				<view class="bounced3-2" @tap="$noMultipleClicks(Confirmtheexit2)">确认</view>

		<!-- 接待详情 -->
		<view class="zhezhoa" @click="clenReceivedetailsabout()" v-if="Receivedetailsabout"></view>
		<view class="followingpop-up" v-if="Receivedetailsabout">
			<view class="guanbibox">
				<image class="guanbixen" @click="clenReceivedetailsabout()" src="../../static/images/Shutdown.png"
				<view class="cenisboxtab">
					<view class="cenisboxtabview">
			<view class="cenisbox">
					style="width: 96%;height: 26rpx;display: flex;margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 40rpx;align-items: center;">
					<view style="width: 25%;color: #666666;font-size: 26rpx;">接待顾问</view>
					<view style="width: 75%;color: #333333;font-size: 26rpx;">{{userlistobj.agentName}}</view>
					style="width: 96%;height: 26rpx;display: flex;margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 40rpx;align-items: center;">
					<view style="width: 25%;color: #666666;font-size: 26rpx;">意向项目</view>
					<view style="width: 75%;color: #333333;font-size: 26rpx;">{{userlistobj.projectName}}</view>
					style="width: 96%;height: 26rpx;display: flex;margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 40rpx;align-items: center;">
					<view style="width: 25%;color: #666666;font-size: 26rpx;">接待开始时间</view>
					<view style="width: 75%;color: #333333;font-size: 26rpx;">{{userlistobj.staTime}}</view>
					style="width: 96%;height: 26rpx;display: flex;margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 40rpx;align-items: center;">
					<view style="width: 25%;color: #666666;font-size: 26rpx;">接待结束时间</view>
					<view style="width: 75%;color: #333333;font-size: 26rpx;">{{userlistobj.endTime1}}</view>
					style="width: 96%;height: 26rpx;display: flex;margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 40rpx;align-items: center;">
					<view style="width: 25%;color: #666666;font-size: 26rpx;">录音时长</view>
					<view style="width: 75%;color: #333333;font-size: 26rpx;">{{userlistobj.mm}}分钟</view>

		<!-- 销讲执行 -->
		<view class="zhezhoa" @click="clenReceivedetailsabout()" v-if="Pinspeak"></view>
		<view class="followingpop-up" v-if="Pinspeak">
			<view class="guanbibox">
				<image class="guanbixen" @click="clenReceivedetailsabout()" src="../../static/images/Shutdown.png"
				<view class="cenisboxtab">
					<view class="cenisboxtabview">
			<view class="pingfenbox">
				<view :class="{ activecllasscet: zhixingcenterindex == 0 }" @click="recordclick(0)">销讲总执行率{{totalRate}}%
				<view v-if="methodsisshow==true" :class="{ activecllasscet: zhixingcenterindex == 1 }"
			<view v-if="zhixingcenterindex == 0" class="cenisbox">
					style="width: 100%;height: 80rpx;border-bottom: 1rpx solid #E0E0E0;display: flex;align-items: center;">
					<view style="flex: 1;font-size: 28rpx;color: #333333;font-weight: 600;text-indent: 20rpx;">指标</view>
					<view style="flex: 1;font-size: 28rpx;color: #333333;font-weight: 600;text-indent: 170rpx;">执行率
				<view class="Level-box" v-for="(item,index) in ratelist" :key="index">
					<view class="Level1che" @click="changeshow(item,1)">
						<view class="title1">{{item.name.substring(0,8)}}</view>
						<view class="leve1-jindu">
							<view class="jindutiao">
								<view class="huanxing" :style="{width: item.ratepercent/item.rate*100+'%'}"></view>
								<view class="text">{{((item.ratepercent/item.rate).toFixed(2)*100).toFixed()}}%</view>
						<view class="jiantobox">
							<image v-if="!item.show" class="arrow rotatearrow" src="/static/images/down.png" mode="" />
							<image v-else class="arrow" src="/static/images/up.png" mode="" />
					<view class="hhhbox" v-if="item.show" v-for="(subitem,i) in item.children" :key="i">
						<view class="Level2che" @click="changeshow2(subitem,1)">
							<view class="title1">{{subitem.name.substring(0,8)}}</view>
							<view class="leve1-jindu">
								<view class="zhixing" v-if="!subitem.selected">已执行</view>
								<view class="zhixing2" v-else>未执行</view>
							<view class="jiantobox">
								<image v-if="!subitem.show" class="arrow rotatearrow" src="/static/images/down.png"
									mode="" />
								<image v-else class="arrow" src="/static/images/up.png" mode="" />
						<view class="hsnrtest" v-if="subitem.show">话术内容</view>
						<view class="Level3che" @tap="clickaudeopal(che)" v-if="subitem.show"
							v-for="(che,inc) in subitem.children" :key='inc'>
							<view class="title1">{{inc+1}}.{{che.name}}</view>
							<view class="jiantobox">
								<image v-if="che.selected==0" class="arrow" src="/static/images/rate-checked.png"
									mode="" />
						<view v-if="subitem.show" style="width: 100%;height: 30rpx;"></view>

			<view v-if="zhixingcenterindex == 1">
				<view v-if="prohibitedlist.length!=0" class="title1-12" @click="tapbadge(item)"
					v-for="(item,index) in  prohibitedlist" :key='index'>{{index+1}}.{{item}}</view>
				<view v-if="prohibitedlist.length==0" style="width: 100%;text-align: center;margin-top: 60rpx;">暂无数据

		<!-- 客户意向 -->
		<view class="zhezhoa" @click="clenReceivedetailsabout()" v-if="intention"></view>
		<view class="followingpop-up" v-if="intention">
			<view class="guanbibox">
				<image class="guanbixen" @click="clenReceivedetailsabout()" src="../../static/images/Shutdown.png"
				<view class="cenisboxtab">
					<view class="cenisboxtabview">
			<view class="pingfenbox">
				<view :class="{ activecllasscet: kehuyixiangcenterindex == 0 }" @click="customerofintention(0)">系统分析
				<view :class="{ activecllasscet: kehuyixiangcenterindex == 1 }" @click="customerofintention(1)">人工校准
			<view class="cenisbox" v-if="kehuyixiangcenterindex==0">
				<view style="width: 100%;height: 100%;text-align: center;margin-top: 200rpx;"
				<view class="jianbox" v-if="Acquirecustomerintentlist.length!=0"
					v-for="(item,index) in Acquirecustomerintentlist" :key='index'>
					<view class="jianbox-cen">
						<view class="jianboxtext">{{item.name}}</view>
						<view class="jianboxjian" @click="Acquishow(index)">
							<image v-if="item.isshow==false" class="jiantop" src="../../static/images/jiantop.png"
							<image v-if="item.isshow==true" class="jiantop1" src="../../static/images/jianbutton.png"
					<view style="width: 690rpx;margin: 0 auto;display: flex;flex-wrap: wrap;" v-if="item.isshow==true">
						<view class="sdfsaf" v-if="chend.showType==0" @click="argece(chend)"
							v-for="(chend,i) in item.children" :key='i'>
							<view class="jiangshang sdfsaf">{{chend.text}}</view>
						<view class="sdfsaf" v-if="chend.showType==1" @click="argece(chend)"
							v-for="(chend,i) in item.children" :key='i'>
							<view class="jiangshang1 sdfsaf">{{chend.text}}</view>
			<!-- @click="Edittag(item,chend,index,i)" -->
			<view class="cenisbox" v-if="kehuyixiangcenterindex==1">
				<view style="width: 100%;height: 100%;text-align: center;margin-top: 200rpx;"
				<view class="jianbox" v-if="Acquirecustomerintentlist2.length!=0"
					v-for="(item,index) in Acquirecustomerintentlist2" :key='index'>
					<view class="jianbox-cen">
						<view class="jianboxtext">{{item.name}}</view>
						<view class="jianboxjian" @click="Acquishow2(index)">
							<image v-if="item.isshow==false" class="jiantop" src="../../static/images/jiantop.png"
							<image v-if="item.isshow==true" class="jiantop1" src="../../static/images/jianbutton.png"
					<view class="bioqianwayl" v-if="item.isshow==true">
						<view class="jiangshang" v-for="(chend,i) in item.children" :key='i' v-if="chend.selected==0">

			<view class="calibration" @click="$noMultipleClicks(tocalibration)">校准</view>

		<view class="zhezhoa" v-if="effective"></view>
		<view class="bounced" v-if="effective">
			<view class="jiajinghuatit">选择</view>
				<view class="uni-list">
					<radio-group @change="radioChange">
						<label style="display: flex;align-items: center;font-size: 30rpx;
				width: 94%;height: 80rpx;margin: 0 auto;" v-for="(item, index) in effectiveitems" :key="item.value">
							<view style="margin-top: 2rpx;flex: 1; text-indent: 20rpx;">{{item.name}}</view>
							<view style="width: 80rpx;">
								<radio :value="item.value" :checked="index == effectiveindex" />
				<view v-if="effectiveindex==4">
					<textarea class="ffectivetext" v-model="effectiveitext" placeholder="备注" />
			<view class="bounced3">
				<view class="bounced3-1" @click="effective=false">取消</view>
				<view class="bounced3-2" @click="$noMultipleClicks(effectiveAdd)">确认</view>

		<!-- 修改角色 -->
		<view class="zhezhoa" v-if="roleisshaw" @tap="unmarktap()"></view>
		<view class="bounced" v-if="roleisshaw">
			<view class="jiajinghuatit">修改角色</view>
				style="width: 95%;display: flex;flex-wrap: wrap;margin: 0 auto;padding-top: 30rpx;padding-bottom: 30rpx;">
				<view class="viewclace" :class="roleindexrow == index ? 'bosdttom' : ''" @click="rl=rolexuanze(index)"
					v-for="(item,index) in tablist.slice(1,tablist.length)" :key="index">
				<view class="headpade" style="border: none;">
					<view class="biaoji" @tap="addRole">新增角色</view>
			<view class="bounced3" style="margin-top: 20rpx;">
				<view class="bounced3-1" @tap="unmarktap()">取消</view>
				<view class="bounced3-2" @tap="$noMultipleClicks(roletab)">确认</view>

		<u-toast ref="uToast" />

	var util = require("../../utils/util.js");
	var config = require("../../config");

	import zaudio from '@/components/uniapp-zaudio/zaudio';
	export default {
		components: {

		data() {
			return {
				noClick: true,
				kehuyixiangcenterindex: 0,
				Acquirecustomerintentlist2: [],
				zhixingcenterindex: 0,
				prohibitedlist: [],
				guanjianciishow: false,
				Aimg: "",
				tablist: [],
				roleindex: 0,
				roleindexbiaoji: 0,
				audioPlay: false, //当前的播放状态控制
				sliderValue: 0, //进度条最小值
				sliderMax: 0, //进度条最大值
				currentTimeStr: "00:00", //当前进度的时间
				timeStr: "00:00", //总的时间
				recordPath: "",
				customerId: "",
				luyinList: [], //录音文件
				newluyinList: [],
				dialogList: [], //录音识别列表
				csdFileindex: 0,
				date: "", //年月日
				tab: 0, // 默认是音频识别
				scrollTop: 0,
				scrollId: "",
				playNow: 0,
				alltimeStr: "00:00:00",
				ratelist: [], //评分列表
				totalRate: "",
				thewrongword: "", //错误词
				reswrongword: "", //正确词
				isshow2: false,
				messagelisy: [],
				isshow3: false,
				biaoqianlist: [],
				biaoqianindex: 0,
				changanitem: {},
				duihuawenjianid: "",
				biaoqianid: "",
				status: 0,
				userInfo: {},
				jiaoseshow: true,
				itemobj: {},
				textindex: 0, //下拉  转写文件下标
				toptextindex: 0, //上拉  转写文件下标
				biojiisshow: false,
				speaker: '',
				dshfkjsdkksodofydwfkhwdfkjh: 0,
				userlistobj: {},
				Acquirecustomerintentlist: [],
				options1: [],
				Receivedetailsabout: false,
				Pinspeak: false,
				intention: false,
				yixingindex: 0, //意向,统计切换
				buildingID: '',
				methodsisshow: false,
				Thetapeidisshow: false,
				Menulist: [],
				Menulistisshow: false,
				validInvalid: 0,
				calibration: 0,

				effective: false,
				effectiveindex: '0',
				effectiveitems: [{
						value: '1',
						name: '没电指派无录音',
						checked: true
						value: '2',
						name: '离线指派无录音',
						value: '3',
						name: '系统测试误操作'
						value: '4',
						name: '非接访场景录音'
						value: '5',
						name: '其他'
				effectiveitext: '',
				textItself: '',
				argtextindex1: 0,
				argtextindex2: 0,

				roleisshaw: false,
				roleindexrow: 0,
				roletiaoshu: 0,
				infos: null,

				ACTION: Symbol('zaudio'), // 唯一值区分每个页面的方法
				isPageHide: false, // 是否息屏
				duration: '', // 总时长
				isBand: false, // 阻止二次提交
		computed: {
			conversionTiame() {
				return (e) => {
					return this.getTime(e);
		onLoad(options) {
			this.status = options.status;
			this.customerId = options.customerId;
			this.itemobj = uni.getStorageSync('searchobj');
			this.stateisshow = options.stateisshow;
			this.$zaudio.autoPlay = true
			//注意: 不同的回调方法, 相同的业务函数方法名, 不会相互影响;
			this.$zaudio.on('stop', this.ACTION, () => {
			this.$zaudio.on('seek', this.ACTION, (time) => {
			this.$zaudio.on('playing', this.ACTION, (obj) => {
				this.duration = obj.duration
			this.$zaudio.on('error', this.ACTION, e => {
				console.log(e, '加载失败')
			this.$zaudio.on('ended', this.ACTION, e => {
					bg: 0,
					customerId: this.customerId

			uni.$on('DETAILS2INIT', (info) => {
		onShow() {

			this.Menulist = uni.getStorageSync('weapp_session_Menu_data');
			this.Menulist.forEach(item => {
				if (item.name == '标记有效无效接待') {
					this.Menulistisshow = true;
			this.intention = false;
			this.kehuyixiangcenterindex = 0;
			this.buildingID = uni.getStorageSync('buildingID').id;
			this.userInfo = uni.getStorageSync('weapp_session_userInfo_data');
			if (this.userInfo.dataCode == 6 || this.userInfo.dataCode == 3) {
				this.methodsisshow = false;
			} else {
				this.methodsisshow = true;
			if (this.userInfo.dataCode == 6) {
				this.jiaoseshow = false
			this.roleindex = 0;
			if (this.stateisshow == 2) {
				this.infos = this.itemobj;
			}!this.isPageHide && this.init(this.infos);


		onHide() {
			this.isPageHide = true

		onUnload() {
			this.$zaudio.off('seek', this.ACTION);
			this.$zaudio.off('stop', this.ACTION);
			this.$zaudio.off('playing', this.ACTION);

		methods: {
			rolexuanze(index) {
				this.roleindexrow = index;
			Modifyrole(dialog, item) {
				this.roleisshaw = true;
				this.roletiaoshu = dialog;
				this.roleindexrow = this.dialogList[this.csdFileindex].message[this.roletiaoshu].speaker - 1;
			roletab() {
				// let itso=this.dialogList[this.csdFileindex].message[this.roletiaoshu];
				let itso = Object.assign({}, this.dialogList[this.csdFileindex].message[this.roletiaoshu]);
				itso.onebest = itso.onebest.replace(/<.*?>/ig, "");
				this.$u.post("/corpus/updateRole", {
					corpusId: this.luyinList[this.csdFileindex].id,
					transferContent: [itso],
					speaker: this.roleindexrow + 1,
					customerId: this.customerId
				}).then(res => {
					this.dialogList[this.csdFileindex].message[this.roletiaoshu].speaker = this.roleindexrow + 1
					this.roleisshaw = false;
					this.dialogList.forEach(res => {
						res.message.forEach(asd => {
							asd.isshow = false;
						title: '修改成功',
						duration: 2000
			argece(item) {
				if (item.selected == 0) {
					this.Pinspeak = false
						url: '/pages/mine/ScoringPlaylist?customerId=' + this.customerId + "&id=" + item
							.keywordsId + "&type=" + 1 + '&UpDateEvent=DETAILS2INIT'
			tapbadge(item) {
				this.Pinspeak = false
					url: '/pages/learning/Keywordsearch?customerId=' + this.customerId + "&keyword=" + item +
						"&skpl=" + "2" + '&UpDateEvent=DETAILS2INIT'
			recordclick(i) {
				this.zhixingcenterindex = i;
				if (i == 0) {
				} else {
			huoqujinji() {
					title: '加载中'
				this.$u.get("/customer/findTabooWordsByCusId", {
					cusId: this.customerId
				}).then(res => {
					if (res.length) {
						this.prohibitedlist = res;
					setTimeout(function() {
					}, 1000);
			clickaudeopal(item) {
				if (item.selected == 0) {
					this.Pinspeak = false
						url: '/pages/mine/ScoringPlaylist?customerId=' + this.customerId + "&id=" + item
							.marketingId + "&type=" + 0  + '&UpDateEvent=DETAILS2INIT'
			gituserlist() {
				this.$u.get("/matchKeywords/personalReceptionRecord", {
					customerId: this.customerId
				}).then(res => {
					res.endTime1 = res.endTime.substring(0, 19);
					this.userlistobj = res;

			Acquishow2(i) {
				this.Acquirecustomerintentlist2[i].isshow = !this.Acquirecustomerintentlist2[i].isshow;
			tocalibration() {
					url: '/pages/mine/calibration?id=' + this.customerId
			customerofintention(i) {
				this.kehuyixiangcenterindex = i;
				if (i == 0) {
				} else {
			Acquirecustomerintent2() {
				this.Acquirecustomerintentlist2 = [];
				this.$u.get("/matchKeywords/findManualCalibration", {
					customerId: this.customerId,
					type: 1
				}).then(res => {
					res.forEach(item => {
						item.isshow = true;
						item.children.forEach(chend => {
							if (chend.isInterval == 0) {
								chend.text = chend.name + chend.unit + '-' + chend.endName + chend
							} else {
								chend.text = chend.name
					this.Acquirecustomerintentlist2 = res;
			Acquirecustomerintent() {
				this.Acquirecustomerintentlist = [];
				this.$u.get("/matchKeywords/findSystemAnalysis", {
					customerId: this.customerId
				}).then(res => {
					res.forEach(item => {
						item.isshow = true;
						item.children.forEach(chend => {
							if (chend.isInterval == 0) {
								chend.text = chend.name + chend.unit + '-' + chend.endName + chend
							} else {
								chend.text = chend.name
					this.Acquirecustomerintentlist = res;
			Acquishow(i) {
				this.Acquirecustomerintentlist[i].isshow = !this.Acquirecustomerintentlist[i].isshow;
			Edittag(item, chend, index, i) {
				var selected = '';
				if (chend.selected == 0) {
					selected = 1;
					this.Acquirecustomerintentlist[index].children[i].selected = 1;
				} else {
					selected = 0;
					this.Acquirecustomerintentlist[index].children[i].selected = 0;
				this.$u.post("/matchKeywords/updatePersonalMatchData", {
					carId: this.customerId,
					selected: selected,
					name: chend.name,
					pid: chend.pid,
					level: chend.level,
					endName: chend.endName,
					keywordsId: chend.keywordsId
				}).then(res => {

			clenReceivedetailsabout() {
				this.Receivedetailsabout = false;
				this.Pinspeak = false;
				this.intention = false;
				this.Thetapeidisshow = false;
			Intentiontoswitch(i) {
				this.yixingindex = i;
				if (i == 1) {
			statistical() {
				this.$u.get("/matchKeywords/findCARKeywords", {
					customerId: this.customerId
				}).then(res => {
					res.forEach(item => {
						if (item.isInterval == 0) {
							item.name = item.name + item.unit + '-' + item.endName + item.unit;

					this.options1 = res;

			Receivetap() {
				this.Receivedetailsabout = true;
			alllogo() {
				var that = this;
				let msg = '';
				if (this.userlistobj.validInvalid != 0) {
					msg = '是否标记为"有效录音"?';
						title: '提示',
						content: msg,
						success: function(res) {
							that.isBand = true
							if (that.noClick) {
							    that.noClick= false;
							    if (res.confirm) {
							    	let parames = {
							    		id: that.customerId,
							    		validInvalid: '',
							    		invalidReason: 0
							    	if (that.userlistobj.validInvalid == 0) {
							    		parames.validInvalid = 1;
							    	} else {
							    		parames.validInvalid = 0;
							    	that.$u.post("/customer/updateValidInvalid", parames).then(res => {
										that.isBand = false
							    		that.Thetapeidisshow = false;
							    	}).catch(e => {
										that.isBand = false
							    setTimeout(()=> {
							        that.noClick= true;
							    }, 2000)
							} else {
							    //  这里是重复点击的判断
				} else {
					this.effective = true;

			effectiveAdd() {
				if (this.effectiveindex == 4) {
					if (this.effectiveitext.length == 0) {
							title: '备注不能为空',
							icon: "none",
							duration: 2000
				this.effective = false;
				this.isBand = true
				let parames = {
					id: this.customerId,
					validInvalid: '',
					validInvalid: 1,
					invalidReason: Number(this.effectiveindex) + 1,
					invalidNote: this.effectiveitext
				this.$u.post("/customer/updateValidInvalid", parames).then(res => {
					this.Thetapeidisshow = false;
					this.isBand = false
			radioChange(evt) {
				this.effectiveitext = "";
				for (let i = 0; i < this.effectiveitems.length; i++) {
					if (this.effectiveitems[i].value === evt.detail.value) {
						this.effectiveindex = i;

			Receivedetailsabouttab(stringa) {
				if (stringa == 'Receivedetailsabout') {
					this.Thetapeidisshow = !this.Thetapeidisshow;
				} else if (stringa == 'Pinspeak') {
					this.Pinspeak = true;
				} else {
					if (this.kehuyixiangcenterindex == 0) {
					} else {

					this.intention = true;
			guanjiancishifo() {
				// this.guanjianciishow=!this.guanjianciishow;

				this.stateisshow = 1;
					url: '/pages/learning/Keywordsearch?customerId=' + this.customerId + "&status=" + this.status +
						"&skpl=" + "1" + '&UpDateEvent=DETAILS2INIT'

			// 添加角色
			addRole() {
					name: String.fromCharCode(this.tablist.length + 64)

			biaojixuanze(index) {
				this.roleindexbiaoji = index;
			tagtap() {
				this.biojiisshow = !this.biojiisshow;
			unmarktap() {
				this.biojiisshow = false;
				this.roleindexbiaoji = this.dshfkjsdkksodofydwfkhwdfkjh;
				this.roleisshaw = false
			Confirmthetag() {
				var num = this.roleindexbiaoji + 1;
					url: config.service.markConsultant + '?id=' + this.luyinList[this.csdFileindex].id +
						"&speaker=" + num + '&customerId=' + this.customerId, //仅为示例,并非真实接口地址。	
					method: "GET",
					header: {
						'content-type': 'application/json',
						'Access-Token': uni.getStorageSync('weapp_session_login_data').token
					success: (data) => {
						this.biojiisshow = false;
							title: '标记成功',
							duration: 2000
			biaojiyuyi() {
				let parames = {
					carId: this.customerId
				this.$u.post("/matchKeywords/toMatchKeywords", parames).then(res => {
			tapspagek(index) {
				this.roleindex = index;
				this.newluyinList = [];
			}, //------------------------------------分角色标记刷新
			fenjiaoseunfo() {
				var bgcd = this.playNow * 1000;
				this.newluyinList = [];
				this.dialogList = [];
				let voFlagValue;
				if (this.roleindex == 0) {
					voFlagValue = 0
				} else {
					voFlagValue = 1
				let tempRoleIndex;
				if (this.isSw) {
					if (this.roleindex == this.tablist.length - 1) {
						tempRoleIndex = 0
					} else {
						tempRoleIndex = this.roleindex
				} else {
					tempRoleIndex = this.roleindex
					url: config.service.getCorpusAnal + '?corpusId=' + this.luyinList[this.csdFileindex].id +
						"&bg=" + bgcd + "&speaker=" + tempRoleIndex + "&voFlag=" + voFlagValue +
						'&num=50', //仅为示例,并非真实接口地址。	
					method: "GET",
					header: {
						'content-type': 'application/json',
						'Access-Token': uni.getStorageSync('weapp_session_login_data').token
					success: (data) => {
						this.tablist = [];
						let jsonInfo = JSON.parse(data.data.data.audioContent);
						for (var i = 0; i <= data.data.data.speakerNum; i++) {
							if (i === 0) {
									name: '全部'
							} else {
									name: String.fromCharCode(i + 64)

						if (data.data.data.speaker == null) {
							this.roleindexbiaoji = 0;
							this.dshfkjsdkksodofydwfkhwdfkjh = 0;
						} else {
							if (data.data.data.viewNameFlag == 1) {
								this.tablist[data.data.data.speaker].name = this.tablist[data.data.data
							} else {
								this.tablist[data.data.data.speaker].name = this.tablist[data.data.data
									.name + "顾问";
							this.roleindexbiaoji = data.data.data.speaker - 1;
							this.dshfkjsdkksodofydwfkhwdfkjh = data.data.data.speaker - 1;

						if (data.data.data.viewNameFlag == 1) {
							let p = [{
								name: '顾问'
							this.tablist = [...this.tablist, ...p]

						if (this.roleindex > this.tablist.length - 1) {
							this.roleindex = this.tablist.length - 1

						this.speaker = data.data.data.speaker;
						this.textindex = data.data.data.index;
						this.toptextindex = data.data.data.index;
						this.isShowMark = data.data.data.viewNameFlag;
						jsonInfo.forEach(item => {
							item.message = JSON.parse(item.onebest)
							item.backindex = this.csdFileindex

						this.newluyinList = jsonInfo;
						if (this.textindex == null) {
						} else {
			toKeywordsearch() {
				this.stateisshow = 1;
					url: '/pages/learning/Keywordsearch?customerId=' + this.customerId + "&status=" + this.status +
						"&skpl=" + "1" + '&UpDateEvent=DETAILS2INIT'

			TimeUpdate(currentTime) {
				this.playNow = Math.ceil(currentTime)
				if (this.dialogList.length == 0) {
				} else {
					const message = this.dialogList[0].message;
					if (!message) return
					for (let i = 0; i < message.length; i++) {
						if (Math.floor(message[i].bg / 1000) <= this.playNow && this.playNow < Math.floor(message[i].ed /
								1000)) {
							console.log(message[i].bg, '我是active', message[i].ed, '我是currentTime', this.playNow)
							this.scrollId = "dialog" + this.csdFileindex + "text" + message[i].bg;
						if (i < message.length - 1 && Math.floor(message[i].ed / 1000) < this.playNow && this.playNow <
							Math.floor(message[i + 1].bg / 1000)) {
							this.scrollId = "dialog" + this.csdFileindex + "text" + message[i].bg;

			init(info) {
				this.sliderMax = 0; //进度条最大值
				this.timeStr = "00:00"; //总的时间
				const parames = {
					pageNum: 1,
					pageSize: 100,
					query: {
						customerId: this.customerId
				this.$u.post("/corpus/findByPage", parames).then(res => {
					if (res && res.length) {
						let alltime = 1 + res[0].recordDuration;
						this.calibration = res[0].calibration;
						if (this.calibration == 0) {
							this.kehuyixiangcenterindex = 0;
						} else {
							this.kehuyixiangcenterindex = 1;
						this.alltimeStr = this.getTime(alltime)
						if (info.bg != 0) {
							this.luyinList = res;
							this.recordPath = res[0].recordPath
							this.date = res[0].receptionTime;
						} else {
							this.luyinList = res;
							this.recordPath = res[0].recordPath
							this.date = res[0].receptionTime;

			adasdasdasd(e) {
			ltolower() {
				var lengthcz = this.newluyinList.length - 1;
				if (this.textindex >= lengthcz) {
						title: '到底了',
						duration: 2000
				} else {
					this.textindex = this.textindex + 1;
					this.newluyinList[this.textindex].message.forEach(item => {
				console.log("下一页", this.textindex)
			rolltoupper() {
				if (this.toptextindex == 0) {
					// uni.showToast({
					// 	title: '到头了',
					// 	duration: 2000
					// });
				} else {
					if (this.dialogList[0] == undefined) {
					} else {
						this.toptextindex = this.toptextindex - 1;
						let reverselist = this.newluyinList[this.toptextindex].message;
						let runlist = reverselist.reverse();
						runlist.forEach(item => {
			// 取消全部加精
			notappick() {
				var that = this;
					title: '提示',
					content: '确认取消加精?',
					success: function(res) {
						if (res.confirm) {
								url: config.service.delATD + "?carId=" + that.customerId + '&itemId=' +
								method: "GET",
								header: {
									'content-type': 'application/json',
									'Access-Token': uni.getStorageSync('weapp_session_login_data')
								success: (data) => {
									if (data.data.code == 10000) {
										that.status = 1
											title: '取消成功',
											duration: 2000
									} else {
											title: data.data.message,
											duration: 2000
						} else if (res.cancel) {
			tappick(i) {
				var that = this;
					title: '提示',
					content: '确认加精?',
					success: function(res) {
						if (res.confirm) {
							let objdata = {
								"carId": that.customerId, //客户id
								"status": 0,
								"itemId": that.buildingID,
								url: config.service.addATD,
								method: "POST",
								header: {
									'content-type': 'application/json',
									'Access-Token': uni.getStorageSync('weapp_session_login_data')
								data: objdata,
								success: (data) => {
									if (data.data.code == 10000) {
										that.status = 0
											title: '加精成功',
											duration: 2000
									} else {
											title: data.data.message,
											duration: 2000
						} else if (res.cancel) {
			tapbiaoqianclisck(index) {
				this.biaoqianindex = index;
				this.biaoqianid = this.biaoqianlist[index].id
			clickcopy() {
				var that = this;
					data: that.thewrongword,
					success: function() {
						that.dialogList.forEach(res => {
							res.message.forEach(asd => {
								asd.isshow = false;
			}, //确认加入常错词
			Confirmtheexit() {
				if (this.reswrongword.length > 8 || this.thewrongword.length > 8) {
						title: '正确词错误词不能超过8个字',
						type: 'warning',
					this.isshow2 = true;
				} else {
					let reg = /^[0-9]+$/
					if (reg.test(this.thewrongword)) {
							title: '错误词不能为纯数字',
							type: 'warning',
						this.isshow2 = true;
					} else {
						if (this.thewrongword) {
							if (this.reswrongword) {
								let parames = {
									customerId: this.customerId,
									cupid: this.luyinList[this.csdFileindex].id,
									wrongWord: this.thewrongword, //错误词
									correctWord: this.reswrongword, //正确词
									translateHtmlContent: this.messagelisy,
									id: uni.getStorageSync('buildingID').id
								this.isshow2 = false;

								let sas = this.textItself.replace(this.thewrongword, this.reswrongword)
								this.dialogList[this.argtextindex1].message[this.argtextindex2].onebest = sas

								this.dialogList.forEach(res => {
									res.message.forEach(asd => {
										asd.isshow = false;
								this.$u.post("/corpus/addCorrectWord", parames).then(data => {
									this.thewrongword = "";
									this.reswrongword = "";
							} else {
									title: '正确值不能为空',
									type: 'warning',
						this.isshow2 = true;
						} else {
								title: '错误词不能为空',
								type: 'warning',
						this.isshow2 = true;

			Cancelout() {
				this.isshow2 = false;
				this.dialogList.forEach(res => {
					res.message.forEach(asd => {
						asd.isshow = false;
			Oftenthewrongword() {
				this.reswrongword = "";
				this.isshow2 = true;
			Addtheessence() {
				this.isshow3 = true;
				this.biaoqianlist = []
				let parames = {
					"itemId": this.buildingID
				this.$u.post("/addtodigest/findAllYi", parames).then(data => {
					this.biaoqianlist = data
						name: "逼单话术",
						id: 0
			// 取消加精
			Cancelout2() {
				this.isshow3 = false;
				this.dialogList.forEach(res => {
					res.message.forEach(asd => {
						asd.isshow = false;
			// 确认加精
			Confirmtheexit2() {
				if (this.biaoqianid) {
					this.biaoqianid = this.biaoqianid
				} else {
					this.biaoqianid = 0
				this.isshow3 = false;
				this.dialogList.forEach(res => {
					res.message.forEach(asd => {
						asd.isshow = false;
				let objdata = {
					"itemId": this.buildingID,
					"carId": this.customerId, //客户id
					"startTime": this.changanitem.bg, //开始时间
					"startFile": this.duihuawenjianid, //对话所在录音文件id
					"endTime": this.changanitem.ed, //结束时间
					"marketingId": this.biaoqianid, //对应一级父id
					"jjTransfer": this.changanitem.onebest, //选中对话
					"status": 1
					url: config.service.addATD,
					method: "POST",
					header: {
						'content-type': 'application/json',
						'Access-Token': uni.getStorageSync('weapp_session_login_data').token
					data: objdata,
					success: (data) => {
						if (data.data.code == 10000) {
								title: '加精成功',
								duration: 2000
						} else {
								title: data.data.message,
								duration: 2000
			changanxiaoguo(item, index, i) {
				this.messagelisy = [];
				this.changanitem = {};
				this.duihuawenjianid = "",
					this.dialogList.forEach(res => {
						res.message.forEach(asd => {
							asd.isshow = false;
				this.changanitem = item;
				this.duihuawenjianid = this.luyinList[this.csdFileindex].id;
				this.dialogList[i].message[index].isshow = !this.dialogList[i].message[index].isshow;
				this.textItself = item.onebest;
				let onebest = item.onebest;
				this.thewrongword = onebest.replace(/<.*?>/ig, "");
				this.messagelisy = this.dialogList[i].message
				this.argtextindex1 = i;
				this.argtextindex2 = index;

			gotoTop() {
				this.scrollId = null;
				this.$nextTick(() => {
					this.scrollId = "top";
			changeTab(type) {
				if (type == 0) {
					this.tab = 0
				} else {
					this.tab = 1;
			changeshow(item, type) {
				item.show = !item.show;
			changeshow2(item, type) {
				item.show = !item.show;
			getRatelist() {
				this.$u.get("/customer/findzkMByCusId", {
					cusId: this.customerId
				}).then(res => {
					if (res.length) {
						let level1 = []
						let level2rate = 0
						res.forEach(item => {
							if (item.pid == 0) {
									id: item.marketingId,
									rate: item.fraction,
									name: item.name,
									sort: item.sort,
									show: false,
									ratepercent: 0,
									children: []
							} else {
								if (item.selected == 0) {
									level2rate += item.fraction
						this.totalRate = level2rate;
						res.forEach(subitem => {
							let subitempid = subitem.pid
							level1.forEach(item => {
								if (subitempid == item.id) {
									if (subitem.selected == 0) {
										item.ratepercent += subitem.fraction
										id: subitem.id,
										rate: subitem.fraction,
										selected: subitem.selected,
										name: subitem.name,
										show: false,
										marketingId: subitem.marketingId,
										children: []
						res.forEach(subitem => {
							let subitempid = subitem.pid
							level1.forEach(chen => {
								chen.children.forEach(zxc => {
									if (subitempid == zxc.marketingId) {
											id: subitem.id,
											rate: subitem.fraction,
											selected: subitem.selected,
											name: subitem.name,
											marketingId: subitem.marketingId,
						level1[0].show = true;
						level1[0].children[0].show = true;
						this.ratelist = level1
					setTimeout(function() {
					}, 1000);

			//--------------------------------- 获取转义后的对话结果
			getCorpusAnalysis(info) {
				this.dialogList = [];
				this.newluyinList = []
					url: config.service.getCorpusAnal + '?corpusId=' + this.luyinList[this.csdFileindex].id +
						"&bg=" + info.bg + "&speaker=" + this.roleindex + '&voFlag=0' +
						'&num=50', //仅为示例,并非真实接口地址。	
					method: "GET",
					header: {
						'content-type': 'application/json',
						'Access-Token': uni.getStorageSync('weapp_session_login_data').token
					success: (data) => {
						this.isShowMark = data.data.data.viewNameFlag
						this.tablist = [];
						this.roleindexbiaoji = 0;
						let jsonInfo = JSON.parse(data.data.data.audioContent);

						for (var i = 0; i <= data.data.data.speakerNum; i++) {
							if (i === 0) {
									name: '全部'
							} else {
									name: String.fromCharCode(i + 64)
						if (data.data.data.speaker == null) {
							this.dshfkjsdkksodofydwfkhwdfkjh = 0;
						} else {
							if (data.data.data.viewNameFlag == 1) {
								this.tablist[data.data.data.speaker].name = this.tablist[data.data.data
							} else {
								this.tablist[data.data.data.speaker].name = this.tablist[data.data.data
									.speaker].name + "顾问";
							this.roleindexbiaoji = data.data.data.speaker - 1;
							this.dshfkjsdkksodofydwfkhwdfkjh = data.data.data.speaker - 1;

						if (data.data.data.viewNameFlag == 1) {
							let p = [{
								name: '顾问'
							this.tablist = [...this.tablist, ...p]
							this.isSw = true
						} else {
							this.isSw = false

						this.speaker = data.data.data.speaker;
						this.textindex = data.data.data.index;
						this.toptextindex = data.data.data.index;
						jsonInfo.forEach(item => {
							item.message = JSON.parse(item.onebest)
							item.backindex = this.csdFileindex;
							if (info.onebest) {
								item.message.forEach(che => {
									if (che.onebest == info.onebest) {
										che.onebest =
											`<font style='color: red'>${che.onebest}</font>`;

						this.newluyinList = jsonInfo;
						var itc = parseInt(info.bg / 1000)

			getTime(time) {
				return util.formatSecond(time)

			sliderChangeComplate(currentTime) {
				this.dialogList = []
				for (let i = 0; i < this.newluyinList.length; i++) {
					let message = this.newluyinList[i].message
					if (!message) return
					if (Math.floor(this.newluyinList[i].bg / 1000) <= currentTime && currentTime <= Math.floor(this
							.newluyinList[i].ed / 1000)) {
						for (let j = 0; j < message.length; j++) {
							let item = message[j]
							if (Math.floor(item.bg / 1000) <= currentTime && currentTime <= Math.floor(item.ed / 1000)) {
								this.scrollId = "dialog" + this.csdFileindex + "text" + item.bg;
							if (j < message.length - 1 && Math.floor(item.ed / 1000) <= currentTime && currentTime <= Math
								.floor(item.bg / 1000)) {
								this.scrollId = "dialog" + this.csdFileindex + "text" + item.bg;
						this.textindex = i;
						this.toptextindex = i;
			clickbofang(dialog, item) {
				this.dialogList.forEach(res => {
					res.message.forEach(asd => {
						asd.isshow = false;
				let platetime = item.bg;
				let newtime = item.bg / 1000;
				this.dialogList = []
					url: config.service.fastForward + '?corpusId=' + this.luyinList[this.csdFileindex].id +
						"&bg=" + platetime || 0, //仅为示例,并非真实接口地址。	
					method: "GET",
					header: {
						'content-type': 'application/json',
						'Access-Token': uni.getStorageSync('weapp_session_login_data').token
					success: (data) => {
						this.textindex = data.data.data.index;
						this.toptextindex = data.data.data.index;
			formatTime(num) {
				num = num.toFixed(0);
				let second = num % 60;
				if (second < 10) second = '0' + second;
				let min = Math.floor(num / 60);
				if (min < 10) min = '0' + min;
				return min + ":" + second;
			changeEditing() {
				this.dialogListres[0].message.forEach(asd => {
					asd.isshow = false;

			zyAudio() {
				let data = [{
					src: this.recordPath,
					title: '录音音频',
					singer: '',
					coverImgUrl: ''

				setTimeout(() => {
				}, 150)

			// 跳转指定位置播放
			stepPlay(t) {
				if (this.$zaudio.paused) {

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