Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.

1575 rindas
38 KiB

  1. <template>
  2. <view class="translation" @click="changeEditing(false)">
  3. <view style="width: 690rpx;height: 64rpx;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 30rpx;background: #F2F2F2;border-radius: 32rpx;
  4. display: flex;align-items: center;" @tap="toKeywordsearch()">
  5. <image style="width: 28rpx;height: 28rpx;margin-left: 30rpx;" src="/static/images/search.png" mode=""></image>
  6. <text style="margin-left: 10rpx;color: #999999;font-size: 24rpx;">请输入关键字</text>
  7. </view>
  8. <view class="top" style="margin-top: 30rpx;">
  9. <view class="title">
  10. <view class="call_record_time">{{date}}</view>
  11. <view class="hash" @click="gotoChat" v-if="commentList.length != 0">
  12. 查看全部评论
  13. </view>
  14. </view>
  15. <view class="call_record_time_one" >接待时长 {{alltimeStr}}</view>
  16. <view class="audio-container">
  17. <view class="audio-play" @tap="changePlayState">
  18. <image class="image" mode="widthFix" :src="audioPlay ? '' : ''"></image>
  19. </view>
  20. <view class="audio-slider">
  21. <view class="audio-time">
  22. <text>{{currentTimeStr}}</text>
  23. </view>
  24. <slider class="slider" min="0" :max="sliderMax" @change="sliderChangeComplate" block-size="14"
  25. :value="sliderValue" activeColor="blue"></slider>
  26. <view class="audio-time">
  27. <text>{{timeStr}}</text>
  28. </view>
  29. </view>
  30. </view>
  31. </view>
  32. <scroll-view :scroll-top="scrollTop" lower-threshold='100px' @scrolltolower="ltolower()"
  33. upper-threshold='40px' @scrolltoupper="rolltoupper()"
  34. :scroll-into-view="scrollId" scroll-y="true" class="text scroll-Y">
  35. <!-- 音频识别模块 -->
  36. <view>
  37. <!-- 聊天记录-->
  38. <view class="dialog-block" v-for="(dialog,i) in dialogList" :key="i">
  39. <view :id="'dialog'+i" class="fileName">录音文件</view>
  40. <view class="text" :id="'dialog'+csdFileindex+'text'"
  41. :class="{active: < playNow && item.ed > playNow && i== 0}"
  42. v-for="(item,index) in dialog.message" :key="index" :data-speaker="item.speaker"
  43. >
  44. <view class="avatar">
  45. <view class="avatar">
  46. <view v-if="item.speaker == 1" style="color: #60CBEC;">
  47. <image v-if="item.isShow == 0" :src="Aimg.replace(/[\r\n]/g,'')" mode="widthFix"></image>
  48. <text v-else>A</text>
  49. </view>
  50. <view v-if="item.speaker == 2" style="color: #EC8B47;">
  51. <image v-if="item.isShow == 0" :src="Aimg.replace(/[\r\n]/g,'')" mode="widthFix"></image>
  52. <text v-else>B</text>
  53. </view>
  54. <view v-if="item.speaker == 3" style="color: #4F861E;">
  55. <image v-if="item.isShow == 0" :src="Aimg.replace(/[\r\n]/g,'')" mode="widthFix"></image>
  56. <text v-else>C</text>
  57. </view>
  58. <view v-if="item.speaker == 4" style="color: #9F61C8;">
  59. <image v-if="item.isShow == 0" :src="Aimg.replace(/[\r\n]/g,'')" mode="widthFix"></image>
  60. <text v-else>D</text>
  61. </view>
  62. <view v-if="item.speaker == 5" style="color: #4980C8;">
  63. <image v-if="item.isShow == 0" :src="Aimg.replace(/[\r\n]/g,'')" mode="widthFix"></image>
  64. <text v-else>E</text>
  65. </view>
  66. <view v-if="item.speaker == 6" style="color: #60CBEC;">
  67. <image v-if="item.isShow == 0" :src="Aimg.replace(/[\r\n]/g,'')" mode="widthFix"></image>
  68. <text v-else>F</text>
  69. </view>
  70. <view v-if="item.speaker == 7" style="color: #EC8B47;">
  71. <image v-if="item.isShow == 0" :src="Aimg.replace(/[\r\n]/g,'')" mode="widthFix"></image>
  72. <text v-else>G</text>
  73. </view>
  74. <view v-if="item.speaker == 8" style="color: #4F861E;">
  75. <image v-if="item.isShow == 0" :src="Aimg.replace(/[\r\n]/g,'')" mode="widthFix"></image>
  76. <text v-else>H</text>
  77. </view>
  78. <view v-if="item.speaker == 9" style="color: #9F61C8;">
  79. <image v-if="item.isShow == 0" :src="Aimg.replace(/[\r\n]/g,'')" mode="widthFix"></image>
  80. <text v-else>I</text>
  81. </view>
  82. </view>
  83. </view>
  84. <view class="content">
  85. <view v-html="item.onebest"></view>
  86. </view>
  87. </view>
  88. </view>
  89. <!-- 点赞 -->
  90. <view class="likeArea" :class="{'liked':isLiked}">
  91. <image :src="isLiked?'/static/images/recordingManagement/likeActive.png':'/static/images/recordingManagement/like_gray.png'"
  92. mode=""></image>
  93. </view>
  94. <view class="hash" id="hash">
  95. </view>
  96. <!-- 评语列表 -->
  97. <view class="chat" v-if="commentList.length != 0">
  98. <view class="total">
  99. 全部评论(共{{commentList.length}}条)
  100. </view>
  101. <view class="list">
  102. <view class="message" v-for="(item,index) in commentList" :key="index">
  103. <u-avatar class="avator" size="72" :src="item.commentPic ||''"></u-avatar>
  104. <view class="right">
  105. <view class="name">
  106. {{item.commentName||"未知昵称"}}
  107. </view>
  108. <view class="subtitle" v-if="item.commentAutoGraph">
  109. {{item.commentAutoGraph}}
  110. </view>
  111. <view class="answer" v-if="item.replyName">
  112. 回复@{{item.replyName}}
  113. </view>
  114. <view class="content" v-if="item.content">
  115. {{item.content}}
  116. </view>
  117. <view class="pic" v-if="item.picUrl">
  118. <image style="width: 100%;max-width: 240px;" :src="item.picUrl" mode="widthFix"></image>
  119. </view>
  120. <view class="bottom">
  121. <view class="time">
  122. {{item.createTime}}
  123. </view>
  124. <view class="button" v-if="myId != item.commentUser" @click.stop="answer(item.commentUser,">
  125. 回复
  126. </view>
  127. </view>
  128. </view>
  129. </view>
  130. </view>
  131. </view>
  132. </view>
  133. </scroll-view>
  134. <!-- 写评价 -->
  135. <view class="bottomArea">
  136. <image class="voice" @click.stop="changeVoiceShow" src="/static/images/recordingManagement/voice.png" mode=""></image>
  137. <view class="inputArea">
  138. <textarea :value="content" :focus="textareaFocus" type="text" @input="changeContent" :auto-height="true" class="editor"
  139. :class="{'active':editing}" @click.stop="changeEditing(true)" @confirm="sendComment">
  140. </textarea>
  141. <view class="placeholder" :class="{'editing':editing}" v-if="!content">写评价</view>
  142. <image class="edit" v-if="!editing && content == ''" src="/static/images/recordingManagement/edit.png" mode=""></image>
  143. </view>
  144. <image class="like" v-if="myId != createUser && !editing" @click="changeLike" src="/static/images/recordingManagement/like.png"
  145. mode=""></image>
  146. <image class="add" @click.stop="uploadImage" v-if="!editing && content == ''" src="/static/images/recordingManagement/add.png"
  147. mode=""></image>
  148. <view class="send" @click="sendComment" v-if="content!=''">
  149. 发送
  150. </view>
  151. </view>
  152. <!-- 回到顶部 -->
  153. <!-- <view class="backTop" @click.stop="gotoTop()">
  154. <image src="/static/images/backTop.png" mode=""></image>
  155. </view> -->
  156. <!-- 语音输入 -->
  157. <cover-view class="voiceContent" v-if="voiceShow" @click="changeVoiceShow">
  158. <cover-view class="box" @click.stop="" @touchstart="voiceStart" @touchend="voiceEnd">
  159. <cover-view class="center">
  160. <cover-image class="voice" src="/static/images/voice.png" mode="widthFix"></cover-image>
  161. <cover-view class="text">
  162. {{isRecording?'正在输入':'长按语音输入'}}
  163. </cover-view>
  164. </cover-view>
  165. </cover-view>
  166. </cover-view>
  167. </view>
  168. </template>
  169. <script>
  170. var app = getApp();
  171. var util = require("../../../utils/util.js");
  172. var config = require("../../../config");
  173. var plugin = requirePlugin("WechatSI")
  174. let manager = plugin.getRecordRecognitionManager();
  175. export default {
  176. data() {
  177. return {
  178. Aimg: "",
  179. roleindex:0,
  180. dialogList: [], // 录音对话转移列表
  181. luyinList: [], //录音文件列表
  182. newluyinList:[],
  183. id: "",
  184. customerId: '',
  185. message: "", //聊天记录表
  186. durationTimeStr: "",
  187. autoLoad: true,
  188. playNow: 0,
  189. scrollTop: 0,
  190. scrollId: "",
  191. editing: false,
  192. isLiked: null,
  193. createUser: null,
  194. commentList: [], //评论列表
  195. content: "",
  196. voiceShow: false,
  197. isRecording: false,
  198. answerUserId: null,
  199. answerId: null,
  200. textareaFocus: false,
  201. myId: uni.getStorageSync("weapp_session_userInfo_data").accountId,
  202. audioPlay: false, //当前的播放状态控制
  203. sliderValue: 0, //进度条最小值
  204. end: false,
  205. sliderMax: 0, //进度条最大值
  206. innerAudioContext: "", //播放实例
  207. currentTimeStr: "00:00", //当前进度的时间
  208. timeStr: "00:00", //总的时间
  209. recordPath: "",
  210. csdFileindex:0,
  211. date: "", //年月日
  212. alltimeStr:"00:00",
  213. num: 0, //上拉 转写文件下标
  214. Bnum: 0, //下拉 转写文件下标
  215. status:0,
  216. itemobj:{},
  217. textindex:0,//下拉 转写文件下标
  218. toptextindex:0,//上拉 转写文件下标
  219. timer:null
  220. };
  221. },
  222. onLoad: function(options) {
  223. this.status = options.status;
  224. this.customerId = options.customerId;
  225. this.itemobj=JSON.parse(options.itemobj);
  226. this.stateisshow=options.stateisshow;
  227. this.getdianzan()
  228. this.getCommentList();
  229. // 当进入页面时调一次接口添加浏览量
  230. this.getView()
  231. let that=this
  232. this.timer=setTimeout(function(){
  233. that.addHot()
  234. },30000)
  235. },
  236. onShow: function() {
  237. this.initRecord();
  238. if(this.stateisshow==2){
  239. var info =this.itemobj;
  240. }else{
  241. var pages = getCurrentPages();
  242. var currPage = pages[pages.length - 1]; //当前页面
  243. var info =;
  244. }
  245. console.log(info)
  246. this.innerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext();
  247. this.innerAudioContext.autoplay = false;
  248. this.innerAudioContext.title = '音频';
  249. this.onPlay()
  250. this.onPause()
  251. this.onCanplay()
  252. this.onEnded()
  253. this.onSeeking()
  254. this.onSeeked()
  255. this.TimeUpdate()
  256. this.getluyinList(info);
  257. },
  258. // 在组件实例被从页面节点树移除时执行
  259. destroyed: function() {
  260. clearTimeout(this.timer)
  261. if (this.innerAudioContext) {
  262. this.innerAudioContext.destroy();
  263. }
  264. },
  265. onUnload:function(){
  266. this.innerAudioContext.destroy();
  267. },
  268. methods: {
  269. toKeywordsearch(){
  270. this.innerAudioContext.destroy();
  271. uni.navigateTo({
  272. url: '/pages/learning/Thefulltext/search?customerId='+this.customerId +"&status="+this.status+"&skpl="+"2"
  273. })
  274. },
  275. getView(){
  276. this.$u.get('/addtodigest/addPageviews',{
  277. id:this.customerId
  278. })
  279. .then(res=>{
  280. // console.log(res)
  281. })
  282. },
  283. addHot(){
  284. // console.log('30')
  285. this.$u.get('/addtodigest/addHeat',{
  286. id:this.customerId
  287. })
  288. .then(res=>{
  289. // console.log(res)
  290. })
  291. },
  292. onPlay(){
  293. this.innerAudioContext.onPlay(() => {
  294. // 播放监听
  295. console.log('播放!');
  296. this.audioPlay = true;
  297. });
  298. },
  299. onPause(){
  300. this.innerAudioContext.onPause(() => {
  301. // 暂停监听
  302. console.log('暂停播放!');
  303. this.audioPlay = false
  304. });
  305. },
  306. onCanplay() {
  307. this.innerAudioContext.onCanplay((callback) => {
  308. console.log("缓冲回调",this.innerAudioContext.duration);
  309. })
  310. },
  311. onEnded(){
  312. this.innerAudioContext.onEnded(() => {
  313. // 结束播放监听
  314. console.log('播放结束!');
  315. this.audioPlay = false;
  316. });
  317. },
  318. onSeeking(){
  319. this.innerAudioContext.onSeeking((res) => {
  320. console.log("进行跳转", res);
  321. })
  322. },
  323. onSeeked(){
  324. this.innerAudioContext.onSeeked((res) => {
  325. console.log("结束跳转", res);
  326. this.$forceUpdate()
  327. });
  328. },
  329. TimeUpdate(){
  330. this.innerAudioContext.onTimeUpdate(() => {
  331. const {
  332. currentTime,
  333. duration
  334. } = this.innerAudioContext;
  335. this.playNow = parseInt(currentTime * 1000)
  336. if (this.dialogList.length == 0) {
  337. } else {
  338. const message = this.dialogList[0].message;
  339. for (let i = 0; i < message.length; i++) {
  340. if (Number(message[i].bg) < this.playNow && Number(message[i].ed) > this.playNow) {
  341. this.scrollId = "dialog" + this.csdFileindex + "text" + message[i].bg;
  342. break;
  343. }
  344. }
  345. }
  346. const currTimeStr = this.formatTime(currentTime);
  347. this.sliderValue = parseInt(currentTime);
  348. // 变动的时间
  349. this.currentTimeStr = currTimeStr;
  350. //进度条最大值
  351. this.sliderMax = this.luyinList[this.csdFileindex].recordDuration;
  352. this.$forceUpdate()
  353. });
  354. },
  355. //下一页
  356. ltolower() {
  357. var lengthcz=this.newluyinList.length-1;
  358. if (this.textindex >= lengthcz) {
  359. uni.showToast({
  360. title: '到底了',
  361. duration: 2000
  362. });
  363. return
  364. }else {
  365. this.textindex=this.textindex+1;
  366. this.newluyinList[this.textindex].message.forEach(item=>{
  367. this.dialogList[0].message.push(item)
  368. })
  369. }
  370. console.log("下一页",this.textindex)
  371. },
  372. //上一页
  373. rolltoupper() {
  374. if(this.toptextindex == 0){
  375. // uni.showToast({
  376. // title: '到头了',
  377. // duration: 2000
  378. // });
  379. return
  380. }else {
  381. if(this.dialogList[0]==undefined ){
  382. return
  383. }else{
  384. this.toptextindex=this.toptextindex-1;
  385. let reverselist=this.newluyinList[this.toptextindex].message;
  386. let runlist=reverselist.reverse();
  387. runlist.forEach(item=>{
  388. this.dialogList[0].message.unshift(item)
  389. })
  390. }
  391. }
  392. console.log("上一页",this.toptextindex)
  393. },
  394. //获取点赞列表isLiked likegetLike
  395. getdianzan(){
  396. uni.request({
  397. url: config.service.likegetLike + '?targetId=' + this.customerId, //仅为示例,并非真实接口地址。
  398. method:"GET",
  399. header: {
  400. 'content-type': 'application/json',
  401. 'Access-Token': uni.getStorageSync('weapp_session_login_data').token
  402. },
  403. success: (data) => {
  404. if({
  406. }else{
  407. uni.hideLoading();
  408. uni.showModal({
  409. title: '提示',
  410. content: '请求数据失败,请重新尝试',
  411. showCancel: false
  412. });
  413. }
  414. },
  415. fail(error) {
  416. uni.hideLoading();
  417. uni.showModal({
  418. title: '提示',
  419. content: '网络异常,请重新尝试',
  420. showCancel: false
  421. });
  422. return false;
  423. }
  424. });
  425. },
  426. // 获取评论列表
  427. getCommentList() {
  428. const that = this;
  429. util.getRequestPromise(config.service.cmmentList + '?targetId=' + this.customerId, {}, false, "GET").then(data => {
  430. let tmp = data;
  431. tmp.reverse();
  432. that.commentList = tmp;
  433. });
  434. },
  435. // 获取录音记录列表
  436. getluyinList(info) {
  437. this.sliderMax = 0; //进度条最大值
  438. this.timeStr = "00:00"; //总的时间
  439. const parames = {
  440. pageNum: 1,
  441. pageSize: 100,
  442. query: {
  443. customerId: this.customerId
  444. }
  445. }
  446. this.$"/corpus/findByPage", parames).then(res => {
  447. if (res && res.length) {
  448. let alltime = 1+res[0].recordDuration;
  449. this.alltimeStr = this.getTime(alltime)
  450. if(!=0){
  451. this.luyinList = res;
  452. this.recordPath = res[0].recordPath
  453. this.sliderMax = this.getTime(res[0].recordDuration)
  454. this.timeStr = this.getTime(res[0].recordDuration)
  455. = res[0].receptionTime;
  456. this.getCorpusAnalysis(info);
  457. this.creatAudio()
  458. }else{
  459. this.luyinList = res;
  460. this.recordPath = res[0].recordPath
  461. this.sliderMax = this.getTime(res[0].recordDuration)
  462. this.timeStr = this.getTime(res[0].recordDuration)
  463. = res[0].receptionTime;
  464. this.getCorpusAnalysis(info);
  465. this.creatAudio()
  466. }
  467. }
  468. })
  469. },
  470. //搜索跳转
  471. adasdasdasd(e) {
  472. const currTimeStr = this.formatTime(e)
  473. this.currentTimeStr = currTimeStr
  476. },
  477. // 获取转义后的对话结果
  478. getCorpusAnalysis(info){
  479. this.dialogList = [];
  480. uni.request({
  481. url: config.service.getCorpusAnal + '?corpusId=' + this.luyinList[this.csdFileindex].id+"&bg=""&speaker="+this.roleindex, //仅为示例,并非真实接口地址。
  482. method: "GET",
  483. header: {
  484. 'content-type': 'application/json',
  485. 'Access-Token': uni.getStorageSync('weapp_session_login_data').token
  486. },
  487. success: (data) => {
  488. let jsonInfo = JSON.parse(;
  489. //上拉标记点
  491. //下拉标记点
  493. jsonInfo.forEach(item=>{
  494. item.message=JSON.parse(item.onebest)
  495. item.backindex=this.csdFileindex
  496. })
  497. console.log(jsonInfo)
  498. this.newluyinList=jsonInfo;
  499. this.dialogList.push(jsonInfo[this.textindex]);
  500. var itc=parseInt(
  501. this.adasdasdasd(itc)
  502. }
  503. })
  504. },
  505. getTime(time) {
  506. return util.formatSecond(time)
  507. },
  508. //录音实例
  509. creatAudio() {
  510. this.innerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext();
  511. this.innerAudioContext.autoplay = true;
  512. this.innerAudioContext.src = this.recordPath;
  513. this.innerAudioContext.title = '音频';
  514. this.onPlay()
  515. this.onPause()
  516. this.onCanplay()
  517. this.onEnded()
  518. this.onSeeking()
  519. this.onSeeked()
  520. this.TimeUpdate()
  521. },
  522. // 录音暂停播放
  523. changePlayState() {
  524. if (this.audioPlay == false) {
  526. } else {
  527. this.innerAudioContext.pause()
  528. }
  529. },
  530. //音频前进回退
  531. sliderChangeComplate(e) {
  532. let platetime=e.detail.value*1000;
  533. this.dialogList=[]
  534. uni.request({
  535. url: config.service.fastForward + '?corpusId=' + this.luyinList[this.csdFileindex].id+"&bg="+platetime, //仅为示例,并非真实接口地址。
  536. method: "GET",
  537. header: {
  538. 'content-type': 'application/json',
  539. 'Access-Token': uni.getStorageSync('weapp_session_login_data').token
  540. },
  541. success: (data) => {
  544. this.dialogList.push(this.newluyinList[])
  545. const currTimeStr = this.formatTime(e.detail.value)
  546. this.currentTimeStr = currTimeStr
  549. }
  550. })
  551. },
  552. formatTime(num) {
  553. //格式化时间格式
  554. num = num.toFixed(0);
  555. let second = num % 60;
  556. if (second < 10) second = '0' + second;
  557. let min = Math.floor(num / 60);
  558. if (min < 10) min = '0' + min;
  559. return min + ":" + second;
  560. },
  561. changeVoiceShow() {
  562. this.voiceShow = !this.voiceShow;
  563. },
  564. voiceStart: function() {
  565. manager.start({
  566. lang: "zh_CN"
  567. });
  568. },
  569. voiceEnd: function() {
  570. // uni.showToast();
  571. if (this.isRecording) {
  572. uni.showLoading({
  573. title: "识别中"
  574. })
  575. }
  576. this.voiceShow = false;
  577. this.isRecording = false;
  578. manager.stop();
  579. },
  580. // 语音初始化
  581. initRecord() {
  582. const that = this;
  583. manager.onStart = function(res) {
  584. that.isRecording = true;
  585. // this.voiceState = "onStart:" + res.msg + "正在录音"
  586. };
  587. //有新的识别内容返回,则会调用此事件
  588. manager.onRecognize = (res) => {
  589. console.log('ing' + res.result);
  590. }
  591. // 识别结束事件
  592. manager.onStop = (res) => {
  593. uni.hideLoading();
  594. let newText = that.content + res.result;
  595. if (newText.length > 140) {
  596. newText = newText.substring(0, 140)
  597. }
  598. that.content = newText;
  599. that.textareaFocus = true;
  600. }
  601. // 识别错误事件
  602. manager.onError = (res) => {
  603. uni.hideLoading();
  604. }
  605. },
  606. changeContent(e) {
  607. this.content = e.detail.value;
  608. },
  609. answer(userId, tid) {
  610. this.answerId = tid;
  611. this.answerUserId = userId;
  612. this.editing = true;
  613. this.textareaFocus = true;
  614. },
  615. // 保存评论
  616. sendComment() {
  617. if (this.content == "") {
  618. uni.showToast({
  619. icon: "none",
  620. title: "请输入标题"
  621. })
  622. return;
  623. }
  624. let parames = {
  625. targetId: this.customerId,
  626. content: this.content,
  627. commentType: 1
  628. };
  629. if (this.answerUserId) {
  630. parames.replyCommentId = this.answerId;
  631. parames.replyUser = this.answerUserId;
  632. }
  633. const that = this;
  634. util.getRequestPromise(config.service.saveCmment, parames, false).then(data => {
  635. that.getCommentList();
  636. uni.showToast({
  637. title: "评论成功",
  638. icon: "none"
  639. })
  640. that.textareaFocus = false;
  641. that.content = "";
  642. });
  643. },
  644. uploadImage() {
  645. const that = this;
  646. var parames = {
  647. targetId:,
  648. commentType: 1
  649. };
  650. if (this.answerUserId) {
  651. parames.replyCommentId = this.answerId;
  652. parames.replyUser = this.answerUserId;
  653. }
  654. uni.chooseImage({
  655. count: 1, //默认9
  656. sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], //可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有
  657. sourceType: ['album', 'camera'],
  658. success: function(res) {
  659. uni.showLoading({
  660. title: "上传中"
  661. })
  662. uni.uploadFile({
  663. url: config.service.saveCmmentUpload,
  664. filePath: res.tempFilePaths[0],
  665. name: 'file',
  666. header: {
  667. "Access-Token": uni.getStorageSync('weapp_session_login_data').token
  668. },
  669. formData: parames,
  670. success: (uploadFileRes) => {
  671. that.getCommentList();
  672. uni.hideLoading();
  673. uni.showToast({
  674. icon: "none",
  675. title: "上传成功"
  676. })
  677. console.log(;
  678. }
  679. });
  680. }
  681. });
  682. },
  683. changeLike() {
  684. uni.showLoading({
  685. title: "请求中",
  686. mask: true
  687. })
  688. if (this.isLiked) {
  689. this.cancelLike();
  690. } else {
  691. this.saveLike();
  692. }
  693. },
  694. // 点赞
  695. saveLike() {
  696. const that = this;
  697. util.getRequestPromise(config.service.saveLike, {
  698. targetId: this.customerId
  699. }, false).then(data => {
  700. that.isLiked = true;
  701. uni.hideLoading();
  702. uni.showToast({
  703. icon: "none",
  704. title: "点赞成功"
  705. })
  706. });
  707. },
  708. // 取消点赞
  709. cancelLike() {
  710. const that = this;
  711. util.getRequestPromise(config.service.cancelLike, {
  712. targetId: this.customerId
  713. }, false).then(data => {
  714. that.isLiked = false;
  715. uni.hideLoading();
  716. uni.showToast({
  717. icon: "none",
  718. title: "取消点赞成功"
  719. })
  720. });
  721. },
  722. gotoChat() {
  723. this.scrollId = null;
  724. this.$nextTick(() => {
  725. this.scrollId = "hash";
  726. })
  727. },
  728. gotoTop() {
  729. console.log("asdasdasd")
  730. this.scrollId = null;
  731. this.$nextTick(() => {
  732. this.scrollId = "top";
  733. })
  734. },
  735. changeEditing(type) {
  736. this.editing = type;
  737. this.answerId = null;
  738. this.answerUserId = null;
  739. this.textareaFocus = false;
  740. // this.dialogList.forEach(res=>{
  741. // res.message.forEach(asd=>{
  742. // asd.isshow=false;
  743. // })
  744. // })
  745. }
  746. }
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