'use strict' // Module export pattern from // https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/returnExports.js ;(function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define([], factory) } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but // only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, // like Node. module.exports = factory() } else { // Browser globals (root is window) root.store = factory() } }(this, function () { // Store.js var store = {} var win = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global) var doc = win.document var localStorageName = 'localStorage' var scriptTag = 'script' var storage store.disabled = false store.version = '1.3.20' store.set = function (key, value) {} store.get = function (key, defaultVal) {} store.has = function (key) { return store.get(key) !== undefined } store.remove = function (key) {} store.clear = function () {} store.transact = function (key, defaultVal, transactionFn) { if (transactionFn == null) { transactionFn = defaultVal defaultVal = null } if (defaultVal == null) { defaultVal = {} } var val = store.get(key, defaultVal) transactionFn(val) store.set(key, val) } store.getAll = function () {} store.forEach = function () {} store.serialize = function (value) { return JSON.stringify(value) } store.deserialize = function (value) { if (typeof value !== 'string') { return undefined } try { return JSON.parse(value) } catch (e) { return value || undefined } } // Functions to encapsulate questionable FireFox 3.6.13 behavior // when about.config::dom.storage.enabled === false // See https://github.com/marcuswestin/store.js/issues#issue/13 function isLocalStorageNameSupported () { try { return (localStorageName in win && win[localStorageName]) } catch (err) { return false } } if (isLocalStorageNameSupported()) { storage = win[localStorageName] store.set = function (key, val) { if (val === undefined) { return store.remove(key) } storage.setItem(key, store.serialize(val)) return val } store.get = function (key, defaultVal) { var val = store.deserialize(storage.getItem(key)) return (val === undefined ? defaultVal : val) } store.remove = function (key) { storage.removeItem(key) } store.clear = function () { storage.clear() } store.getAll = function () { var ret = {} store.forEach(function (key, val) { ret[key] = val }) return ret } store.forEach = function (callback) { for (var i = 0; i < storage.length; i++) { var key = storage.key(i) callback(key, store.get(key)) } } } else if (doc && doc.documentElement.addBehavior) { var storageOwner, storageContainer // Since #userData storage applies only to specific paths, we need to // somehow link our data to a specific path. We choose /favicon.ico // as a pretty safe option, since all browsers already make a request to // this URL anyway and being a 404 will not hurt us here. We wrap an // iframe pointing to the favicon in an ActiveXObject(htmlfile) object // (see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa752574(v=VS.85).aspx) // since the iframe access rules appear to allow direct access and // manipulation of the document element, even for a 404 page. This // document can be used instead of the current document (which would // have been limited to the current path) to perform #userData storage. try { storageContainer = new ActiveXObject('htmlfile') storageContainer.open() storageContainer.write('<' + scriptTag + '>document.w=window') storageContainer.close() storageOwner = storageContainer.w.frames[0].document storage = storageOwner.createElement('div') } catch (e) { // somehow ActiveXObject instantiation failed (perhaps some special // security settings or otherwse), fall back to per-path storage storage = doc.createElement('div') storageOwner = doc.body } var withIEStorage = function (storeFunction) { return function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0) args.unshift(storage) // See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms531081(v=VS.85).aspx // and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms531424(v=VS.85).aspx storageOwner.appendChild(storage) storage.addBehavior('#default#userData') storage.load(localStorageName) var result = storeFunction.apply(store, args) storageOwner.removeChild(storage) return result } } // In IE7, keys cannot start with a digit or contain certain chars. // See https://github.com/marcuswestin/store.js/issues/40 // See https://github.com/marcuswestin/store.js/issues/83 var forbiddenCharsRegex = new RegExp("[!\"#$%&'()*+,/\\\\:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~]", 'g') var ieKeyFix = function (key) { return key.replace(/^d/, '___$&').replace(forbiddenCharsRegex, '___') } store.set = withIEStorage(function (storage, key, val) { key = ieKeyFix(key) if (val === undefined) { return store.remove(key) } storage.setAttribute(key, store.serialize(val)) storage.save(localStorageName) return val }) store.get = withIEStorage(function (storage, key, defaultVal) { key = ieKeyFix(key) var val = store.deserialize(storage.getAttribute(key)) return (val === undefined ? defaultVal : val) }) store.remove = withIEStorage(function (storage, key) { key = ieKeyFix(key) storage.removeAttribute(key) storage.save(localStorageName) }) store.clear = withIEStorage(function (storage) { var attributes = storage.XMLDocument.documentElement.attributes storage.load(localStorageName) for (var i = attributes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { storage.removeAttribute(attributes[i].name) } storage.save(localStorageName) }) store.getAll = function (storage) { var ret = {} store.forEach(function (key, val) { ret[key] = val }) return ret } store.forEach = withIEStorage(function (storage, callback) { var attributes = storage.XMLDocument.documentElement.attributes for (var i = 0, attr; attr = attributes[i]; ++i) { callback(attr.name, store.deserialize(storage.getAttribute(attr.name))) } }) } try { var testKey = '__storejs__' store.set(testKey, testKey) if (store.get(testKey) != testKey) { store.disabled = true } store.remove(testKey) } catch (e) { store.disabled = true } store.enabled = !store.disabled return store }))